Sharing the Good News…
…in Churches
…in Schools
…in Homes
…in Nursing Homes
…in Parks
…in the Marketplace
Bible Training for Church Leaders
About Duane Hartley
God has called us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth through personal evangelism and evangelism projects, both locally and internationally, and to train churches in evangelism and follow up ministry.

Duane's Story of Salvation
I grew up in a large family of ten children. We never attended church. I hated my father throughout my childhood. As a teenager I acted out my anger through alcohol, drugs and vandalism. I eventually burned out from my lifestyle and felt like I had no friends, no purpose, and no peace. I felt like I was dead. Then a high school teacher started telling me that God loved me, but I was separated from Him because of my sin. God cannot allow sin into His perfect heaven, or it would not be heaven anymore. He told me that Jesus, the Son of God, became a man and died on a cross to be punished for my sin as my substitute. Therefore I could be saved from my sin and the judgment of God. Through Jesus, God has provided a way to forgive our sin and make us His children. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son. that whoever trusts in Him will never perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16. I trusted Christ at the age of 17 and felt myself come alive on the inside which changed my outward lifestyle. I was able to forgive my father, and I gained a peace I had never experienced before. I felt joy and satisfaction and did not need alcohol, drugs, or negative behavior anymore. And through my understanding of the Bible I have complete assurance that I will spend eternity in heaven with God.
- 33 international mission trips
- Men group Leader
- Pulpit Preacher
- Worship Leader
- Volunteer youth Jail Chaplin
- Childrens Worker
- BA in Pastoral Ministries (Moody Bible institute
- MA in Biblical Studies (Dallas Theological Seminary)
Spiritual gifts
- Evangelism
- Teaching
Life verse
“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24