I. I don’t believe there is a God. – Ps 14:1
- The evidence of creation. – Rom 1:18-20, Ps 19:1-2, Isa 6:1-3
- Design and order.
- First cause.
- The evidence of science.
- Scientific Laws. (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics)
- Second law of thermodynamics.
- The evidence of conscience.
- Inner sense of right and wrong. – Rom 2:14-15
- Inner sense of higher power, glory, bliss. Ecc 3:11
II. The Bible was written by man. – 2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Pet 1:20-21
- The evidence of unity.
- The Bible was written over 1500 years by 40 different authors with an amazing unity and without contradiction.
- The evidence of accuracy.
- The Bible has never been proved to be wrong in the areas of science or history or any matters it speaks to. – Jn 17:17
- The evidence of honesty.
- The Bible does not hide the sins and failures of its heroes.
- The evidence of durability.
- The Bible cannot be destroyed – it has been tried many times.
- The evidence of divinity.
- Prophecies fulfilled regarding the birthplace, family, lineage, miraculous life, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ and many others.
- Power demonstrated in changed lives worldwide.
III. Why does evil and suffering exist?
- God did not create evil and suffering. – Gen 1:31
- Evil began out of free will. – Eze 28:12-17, Gen 2:16-17, 3:6
- God created man in His image withthe ability to choose. – Gen 1:26-27
- God is love and desires to be loved. – 1 Jn 4:8
- By allowing evil and suffering God enables us to experience more of His glory. (grace, mercy, comfort, peace, longsuffering, forgiveness, etc.)
- While suffering is never good, God is able to bring good out of it. – Rom 8:28, 2 Cor 1:3-4, Heb 4:15-16
- The day is coming when suffering will cease, and God will judge evil. – Rev 21:3-4, Heb 9:27, 1 Pet 4:5
IV. Is Jesus really God?
- Jesus claimed to be God. – Jn 8:57-59, 10:30-33
- His miracles and power revealed it. – Mark 1:32-34
- His fulfillment of prophecy proved it. – Luke 24:26-27
- His sinless life demonstrated it. – Luke 23:13-14
- His resurrection assured it. – Rom 1:4, Jn 10:17-18
V. What about other religions?
- There is salvation only in the name of Jesus. – Acts 4:12, Jn 14:6, 1 Tim 2:3-5
- One’s sincere faith may be sincerely wrong. – Prov 14:12
- The Bible gives undeniable proof through fulfilled prophecies.
- Jesus is the only religious leader who rose from the dead.
- Only in Christianity does God punish Himself for sin in order to save man from that punishment.
- Only in Christianity is man totally incapable of contributing to his salvation.
- Only in Christianity does God actually dwell in a man. – 1 Cor 6:19-20
VI. What about those who have never heard?
- There is salvation only in the name of Jesus. – Jn 14:6, Rev 13:8, 20:15
- The church is commanded to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. – Rom 10:13-15
- The Lord will reveal Himself to those who search for Him. – Deut 4:29, Jer 29:13, Acts 10:1-3
- There is evidence for salvation to all who cannot believe. – Mt 10:14, 2 Sam 12:23
- Right now, my concern is for you, while you are hearing.
VII. How do I recognize a false gospel?
- Salvation is by faith alone. Faith plus anything is a false gospel. – Eph 2:8-9, Rom 6:23
- The Bible is the only authority for salvation. – Jn 5:39
- When a religious group follows a human leader, it is false. – Jn 10:27-28
- Jesus is fully God and man. Denying this is a false gospel. – Col 2:9, 1:19
- When salvation is found only in the group it is a false gospel. – Jn 10:16
VIII. Why are there so many hypocrites?
- Hypocrites pretend to be or believe something they are not. Not all who think they are Christians are Christians.
- Christians are saved sinners and admit they are.
- The Lord allows false believers to remain in the church but will judge them in the end.
IX. Isn’t Christianity a western religion?
- Christianity has its rooms in Judaism. It is neither black nor white in its origin but is Jewish.
- Christianity has been spreading from Jerusalem since the beginning of the church. – Acts 1:8
- Redeemed souls come from every people group and every corner of the earth. – Rev 7:9-10
X. What if I have committed the unpardonable sin?
- The unpardonable sin was attributing the work of the Holy Spirit through Christ to Satan. – Mt 12:24, 32
- The unpardonable sin is a complete rejection of the Spirit’s work.
- The only unpardonable sin today is the ongoing rejection of the Spirit’s work of conviction toward salvation. – Jn. 16:8